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Glen Falls Trail
Highlands, NC
Glen Falls Trail is 2.8 miles round-trip, with a 15-minute hike to the first falls. The trail leads to a majestic series of three cascading waterfalls. One of the advantages of this trail is that you can return after seeing the first or second waterfall, and still have an enjoyable walk.
A gravel, one-lane Forest Service road approximately 1.5 miles southwest of Highlands on NC 106 leads to Glen Falls. Follow this road about a mile to the parking area and a sign for Glen Falls Scenic Area. It is a short, half-mile walk to the falls. Glen Falls is a series of three falls, approximately 60 feet each, on the east fork of Overflow Creek. A steep, one1-mile trail with steps and places to rest goes down to the bottom of the falls, where the view is better. Be cautious, as the trail has washed away in some places. The trail continues down into Blue Valley Campground (primitive). Blueberries and rhododendron grow in the area. Glen Falls offers a magnificent vista over northeastern Georgia and northwestern South Carolina, the pristine Chattooga River Valley.