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A Healthy New Year? Thank the Land Trust

Written By: Lance Hardin - Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust | Issue: Winter - 2023
Not sure where to go in this new year? Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust has some ideas. Visit hicashlt.org/hiking-trails.html.
The turning of the calendar page to “January” often prompts one to reflect and set objectives for the new year. If improved physical and mental health, spending more “quality time” with family, or simply being more diligent about getting your pup some exercise is on your agenda, the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust can help!
In recognition of our state’s outstanding natural and outdoor recreational resources the North Carolina General Assembly has declared 2023 to be the Year of the Trail.
Many of HCLT’s more than 130 properties provide trail hiking opportunities. In the Highlands area the Brushy Face tract off Hwy 28 South and Dixon Woods in the Bowery Road area are great options to explore nearby trails. Many HCLT properties such as Ravenel Park (Sunset Rock), the summit of Satulah, and view lots atop Big Bear Pen mountain can be connected via trails maintained by the Highlands Plateau Greenway, making it possible to hike for miles, taking in incredible views, and never leaving city limits!
In the Cashiers area the soon-to-be-opened Edward Baker Preserve in the Laurel Knob Road area will likewise provide miles of opportunities to stretch your legs.
Winter months can be one of the best times to experience our trails. The absence of seasonal foliage opens up views that stay hidden most of the year. The vibrant greens of pines and hemlocks take center stage. Light snow divulges the footsteps marking the unseen passage of small animals.
Seasonal flora such as Galax, Christmas Fern, and Wild Ginger emerge from the shadow of their showy summer peers. Birders will spot Junco and Tufted Titmouse foraging for seeds and other nutrients. At dusk the haunting calls of owls punctuate the serenity of a
winter forest.
It’s no surprise that studies show that time spent hiking in this type of environment has numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, hypertension, incidences of diabetes, and helps with weight loss. Mental health benefits include anxiety release, helping with creative problem solving, and mitigating cognitive impairment.
If your plans for 2023 include a focus on physical and mental health, please look for more information and trail maps at hicashlt.org/hiking-trails.html.