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All About Trout, Fly Fishing on the Plateau

Written By: Chris Wilkes - The Highland Hiker | Issue: 2018/04 - April | Photograph By: Marjorie Christiansen Photography
It’s almost time for peak trout fishing in Western North Carolina!
But since it’s no secret, the days of you being the only one in eyesight on public water are gone for another nine months. We all know the drill. You get up in the morning, meticulously put together your fly box, grab your vest and waders and head down to the stream for a relaxing day angling. Only when you get there, it looks like the parking lot at Disney World. This is a common occurrence during the season and can lead one to just turn the car around and head home. Well, don’t panic, just follow these guidelines:
1) Practice good stream etiquette. Don’t force yourself into a crowd. I know, it’s your favorite fishing spot. But when someone has already been in it for a few minutes, the fish can spook easy. Don’t walk up and start casting right next to someone already in the water. Don’t splash up to them to ask what fly they’re using. Bad form! You’re better off hiking upstream where there may be less fish, but less pressure on them. Which leads me to…
2) Having a “Plan B.” Is the Davidson shoulder to shoulder? Head to the East fork of the French Broad. Cullasaja not fishing well? Drive on down to the Tuckaseegee. Is the Tuck a traffic jam? Drive on up to the Nantahala. Giving yourself options and knowing the geography will make it less frustrating when you find your favorite spot fished out. The busiest streams are going to be the delayed harvest streams, so…
3) Give wild streams a shot − Most everyone chases the water that gets stocked with fish. Some people literally saddle up right next to where the truck dumps the trout in. Plenty of fish that way. Not very sporting, but plenty of fish. But there are tons of streams and rivers in the area that are not stocked but have small but beautiful native trout in them. These fish are typically harder to catch since they have lived their entire lives in this ecosystem, but it’s a real accomplishment just to set the hook, much less to land one.
See you out there!