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All in a Semester | Highlands Biological Station
Written By: Winter Gary | Issue: March 2023
A fresh crop of researchers are uncovering the secrets of the Plateau’s natural bounty.
What do you get when you toss a handful of college students together for a semester at the Highlands Biological Station? Impact.
An ongoing collaboration between the Station (a multi-campus center of Western Carolina University), UNC-Chapel Hill’s Institute for the Environment, the Highlands Biological Foundation, and several local organizations culminates in the Highlands Field Site program.
Led by local field biologist and researcher Dr. Rada Petric, this program welcomes a cohort of UNC students to the Station each fall to be immersed in hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to engage with environmental experts. The students participate in field trips and various research projects throughout the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau, and beyond, learning about the vast biodiversity of the southern Appalachians and the impact humans have made on the region.
In late 2020, the Highlands Biological Foundation made a 3-year commitment to invest $100,000 annually into the program. This year marks the 3rd year of support. With a mission to stimulate, promote, and fund biological research and education in the southern Appalachians, the Foundation has been elated with the success of the program.
“As a former biology teacher, it is inspiring to watch Dr. Petric and the Station lead the students toward careers in research and a love of science,” said Jennie Stowers, President of the Highlands Biological Foundation’s Board.
A semester at the field site serves as an introduction to field work and environmental research equipping students with experiences and references to seek further academic and professional opportunities as they transform into environmental leaders themselves. The impact can be seen in the enthusiasm and dedication of the students who have participated. Each has left the program with a better understanding of ongoing environmental challenges as well as new skills and knowledge to help address these challenges.
“The Highlands Field Site provides tremendous training opportunities for the students, and it provides a leg up for them when they’re searching for their next job or position. We find that it increases the likelihood of students’ succeeding and exploring spaces in the field they haven’t considered before,” explained Dr. Petric.
Students often return to the Station to continue research efforts, work seasonal positions, teach, or even write articles such as this. Having been a Highlands Field Site student during the fall of 2017, I know first-hand how this program leaves a lasting impact on each participant, and it continues to get better each year.
Funding provided by the Foundation is made possible by the wonderful support of our community and members. Individual contributions and local grants are instrumental in empowering the next generation of environmentalists through these types of endeavors. To learn more about the Highlands Field Site and other programs supported by the Highlands Biological Foundation, visit highlandsbiological.org/foundation.