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And a River Runs Through It

Written By: Deena Bouknight | Issue: May 2024 | Photograph By: Charles Johnson
The timeless charm of the Chattooga River and its complementary trails is perfect for picnics and pauses and quick dips.
Norman McClean’s 1976-published book, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, continues to endear and captivate readers – as does the 1992 movie adaptation starring Brad Pitt. The beautiful prose describes so much about this exceptional area – and all that the water features convey personally and practically. The last words, in fact, read: “The river was cut by the world’s great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.”
A local river that runs over rocks from the basement of time is the Chattooga River. It begins in these Appalachian Mountains and rushes, flows, and/or meanders for 50-miles to end at Lake Tugaloo between South Carolina and Georgia and dropping almost one-half-mile in elevation.
A 1.75-mile loop trail, aptly named the Chattooga Loop Trail, presents to hikers a snippet of just how beautiful is this river corridor. Countless species of plants, trees, moss, and fungi exist. This time of year, one might find liverwort, rock gnome lichen, and divided leaf ragwort – just to name very few examples.
The Chattooga Loop Trail begins to the left of what is called Iron Bridge and follows a longer Chattooga River Trail for 0.6 miles before a hard left is necessary and the Loop Trail continues uphill. Eventually, the trail joins an old logging road, where there is a clearing with a picnic table. The loop runs right to Bull Pen Road and back downhill to return to Iron Bridge.
It is a trail that can be enjoyed by anyone, from the casual walker to the avid hiker. Its main highlight is that more than half of the loop follows the Chattooga River. In summertime, there are spots to cool off. Children, adults, and dogs alike might enjoy a refreshing dip in the river.
Not just because there is a picnic table about halfway, but because of the trail’s accessibility and five senses opportunities, it begs for a long pause and a picnic. Bring a portable fishing pole and a license to try to snag a trout out of the Chattooga River.
The only obstacles that may need to be maneuvered around or over are downed trees, and after rainstorms some of the rocks and roots on the trail might be slippery and the paths muddy. Otherwise, there are few inclines and the path is easily manageable.
To get to the Chattooga Loop Trail from Highlands proceed east on Main Street, which becomes Horse Cove Road, and drive four and a half miles to intersection with Bull Pen and Whiteside Cove roads. Turn right onto Bull Pen Road (#1178) and proceed for 3.1 miles to Iron Bridge. The trailhead is on the left just before bridge. From Cashiers proceed on Hwy. 107 South for seven miles and turn right onto Bull Pen Road (#1178 #1180). Proceed for about five and a half miles to the Iron Bridge. The trailhead is on right on far side of bridge.