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Bio Center Soiree

Written By: Charlotte Muir - Highlands Biological Station | Issue: 2019/07 - July
The Highlands Biological Foundation will celebrate the 92nd year of the Highlands Biological Station with a soiree at the home of Ella and Chip Flower on July 28
at 6:00 P.M.
The foundation annually hosts a summer soiree to raise funds to support the three facets of the Highlands Biological Station – Highlands Botanical Garden, Highlands Nature Center, and the Highlands Biological Laboratory.
In addition to donating more than $250,000 in scholarships to students studying and researching at the Station, Foundation funds are used to support the extensive public educational programs through the Nature Center and continued improvement and maintenance of the Highlands Botanical Garden.
Each year, thousands of people walk through the doors of the Nature Center either as a student, scientist, summer camper, Zahner Lecture attendee, garden enthusiast, tourist, or hiker. These visitors also utilize the Botanical Garden, a repository for hundreds of native plants of the southern Appalachian region. The diversity and numbers of users of the Station are a testament to its importance to the community for the past 92 years.
This year’s soiree will be at the historic Highlands home, Kenridge. Built in 2000 by Alfred Kennedy and Bill Kenny, this grand home, located at the end of a secluded treed path, is an interpretation of an English country house located in the mountains. Architect Greg Hall brought this vision to life with an enchanted home that is perfect for hosting the soiree.
Cost of the event is $250 per person. The ticket price includes a light dinner and open bar. To register, please call the Foundation at (828) 526-2221 or visit
The Highlands Biological Foundation Inc. is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that represents the continuation of the original private corporation that founded the Highlands Biological Station and supported it for its first 50 years of operation (1927-1977). Its mission is to raise funds, invest these, and use the income to support the research and educational programs of the Station.