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Bust Your Butt Falls

Written By: Ed and Cindy Boos | Issue: August - 2022
Bust Your Butt Falls is the perfect photo opportunity. But make note of that name– No Shenanigans!
Bust your Butt Falls, also known as Quarry Falls, isa popular summer roadside stop along the Cullasaja River. The waterfall stands about 25 feet in height. It’s anice place to rest on the large rocks and enjoy the beauty of the falls or wade in the water at the base of the falls.People have been known to slide down the falls. Doing socan be dangerous, particularly during times when the water flow is rapid, and is not recommended, as some have busted more than their butt. DirectionsFrom Highlands, drive 5.5 miles west on US 64. There is a pull-off on the left that will accommodate several cars.
by Ed and Cindy Boos