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Casting The Old Rod

Written By: Chris Wilkes - The Highland Hiker | Issue: 2018/06 - June
Very often, I get a customer through the door that has recently cleared out a relative’s attic or storage unit.
They are extremely excited because they feel they have found a usable fly rod and have cleared the price hurdle that had prevented them from taking up the hobby. They drop by the shop and ask if I might spool up a reel for them before unfurling an unidentifiable moldy two-piece set that had seen its usefulness expire some time during the Cretaceous Period.
After some explanation of the rod’s age, the missing eyelets, and the inoperability of the reel, they begin to hang their head thinking that they must now spend a small mortgage payment to fulfill the daydream of throwing a line out in a quiet stream.
The truth is that whether you buy expensive equipment or dime store equipment, it all runs a distant second to having the right equipment. It’s important to know where you will be fishing a majority of the time and what you will be fi shing f or. T hat way, your local fly shop can show you the proper rods and reels to suit your needs. Are y ou fi shing f or t rout? B ass? L argemouth, or smallmouth? Saltwater or freshwater? These are all things you need to consider before purchasing a rod.
Fly fishing has gotten a reputation for being expensive, and I can’t say it’s unearned. Walk into any fly shop and you can find rods for $1,000 and reels in the $400 neighborhood. But honestly, those prices are only justified for anglers that need the specifics that this equipment can provide. Many companies today make quality rods in the $199–$249 range, some even with lifetime warranties. And good lightweight reels can be had for right around the $100 mark and spooled with adequate line for only $50 more.
What I’m saying is this: Put your ancient artifacts back in the storage and go get a rod today that will allow you to start fishing effectively!