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Debby’s Fall Garden Checklist

Written By: Debby Hall | Issue: October 2024
The end of the growing season doesn’t mean that you can forget your gardening chores. There’s still plenty to get done before the arrival of winter.
I am a little sad.
There, I said it! The days are getting shorter, and the beauty of the summer garden has retired for the winter. It deserves a rest, and I know that in a week or two, I’ll be all excited once again to see the leaves change and the wonderful pumpkin and gourd decorations pop up all around us, signaling that the fall is in full swing.
But before I sit back and rest, I’d better check my fall garden activities checklist. I thought it would be useful to share it with you. So here goes…
Debby’s Fall Garden Checklist
Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch, about 2-4 inches, around your plants and garden beds to insulate the soil, retain moisture, and protect the roots from frost.
Clean-Up: Remove dead plant material, fallen leaves, and debris from garden beds to reduce the risk of disease and pests.
Winterize Tools: Clean, sharpen, and store garden tools. Drain hoses and store them indoors to prevent freezing.
Soil Preparation: Test your soil and amend it with compost or organic matter to improve its structure and fertility.
Composting: Add kitchen scraps and garden waste to your compost pile. It will decompose over the winter and be ready for spring planting.
Okay, in total transparency, this is on my list, but I never do it. I’m a big chicken and don’t want any hungry bears hanging around for snacks. Come to think of it, dogs too…mine!
Perennials: Cut back perennials after the first frost to tidy up your garden and prevent disease. Leaving perennials, like ornamental grasses, can provide a little winter interest.
Protecting Tender Plants: If you have tender plants or shrubs, cover them with burlap or frost blankets to protect them from potential frost.
Harvesting Seeds: Collect seeds from your favorite plants for next year’s garden. Store them in a cool, dry place in labeled containers.
Don’t Forget Your Houseplants: Has anyone else woken up in the middle of the night to grab their houseplants and bring them inside before a frost? Or forgot to cut those last blooms before Mother Nature takes them away? Okay, I’m busted.
Fall is an exhilarating time of year here in the mountains. The brilliant colors, cool crisp air, and shorter days signal a time to rest and enjoy our beautiful mountains. I hope you can enjoy some rest from the labors of your gardening and breathe in the beauty around us.
Happy Gardening!