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Don’t Be Afraid To get Wet

Written By: Chris Wilkes - The Highland Hiker | Issue: 2017/07 - July
So many times we get clients that want to schedule a fly-fishing trip with The Highland Hiker, but who are very concerned about the weather on the date they schedule.
“Is it supposed to rain?”
“Is there rain in the forecast?”
“What happens if it rains?”
Fair questions, to be sure. When you’re planning a fly-fishing trip you envision a lot of things – a perfect cast, a 27-inch Brown Trout, or a memorable day with family or friends. But you probably don’t see yourself under a grey sky keeping water out of your eyes while trying to figure out where the fish might be in a muddy river with
rising levels.
In truth though, a rainy day can be one of the best times to go fishing. Less fishermen on the river, more water for the fish to be active in, and, being that they are already wet, the trout certainly don’t seem to mind.
All it takes to have a successful day fishing in the rain is a slight change in strategy. First off, bugs don’t fly too well in the driving rain, so you’ll want to forget about the dry flies in your box (at least while it rains) and switch over to nymphs and worm patterns as the water rises and streamers as the water clarity decreases. Also since the water is probably higher than normal, you might want to get some split shot to weigh your fly down so it can get to the proper depth to stimulate the fish.
We have a saying at the Highland Hiker, “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices.”
So when you know you’re going to be out in the heavy stuff, make sure to wear a rain jacket that is easily packable, in case it stops raining, and a jacket that has a hood with the drawstrings so that you can still use your peripheral vision. If you’re not a hood person, take a wide brimmed hat to keep the water off your eyes.
Wear as little cotton as possible, once it gets wet, it stays wet. Last but not least, take a waterproof dry bag so that your phone and any other electronics you might need that day stay in tip-top shape even if you don’t.