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Funny Name. Prized Plant – Highlands Cashiers Land Trust
Written By: Brian O’Shea | Issue: 2021/05 – May
A local inn incorporates wise conservation practices into its development plans, benefitting local plants and wildlife and sweetening life on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau.

An aerial view of Rock Mountain with Chimney Top in the background.
The Divided-leaf ragwort, or Packera millefolium, is a federal species of concern and is considered threatened in North Carolina.
This means it is protected on government land, but has no real protections on private lands outside of conservation areas, said Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust Stewardship Coordinator Kyle Pursel.
This at-risk ragwort grows throughout the Plateau, including Rock Mountain, which is located on High Hampton Inn property in Cashiers.
High Hampton has a conservation easement with the HCLT for several slopes and the summit of Rock Mountain, and the adjacent mountain also on High Hampton property, Chimney Top. Areas under a conservation easement cannot be developed or clearcut, but can have trails and limited recreational infrastructure on them.
Pursel discovered patches of ragwort growing in an area of High Hampton slated for development and took action.
“High Hampton has been very good about allowing HCLT and others to rescue and move any plants that are within their new development areas,” said Pursel. “This site is within an area where a road to access some lots is slated to go in. The exact site is close enough to the proposed road that it could be impacted, or it could be impacted later when the lot it is on is sold and developed, so the rescue was a precaution before any construction began and while it is still owned by High Hampton, since they welcome these kinds of rescues and a subsequent owner may not, just to be safe.”
Most of the ragwort was moved to suitable locations throughout Rock Mountain where they would not be under threat of development.
One clump of ragwort went to the Highlands Biological Station for use in their Rock Outcrop Garden in part to educate the public about this species.
This is the second major plant rescue at High Hampton in the past few years. HCLT and other organizations completed a rescue north of Hampton Lake a few years ago, targeting pink-shell azaleas, swamp azalea, fairy wand, and other plants. Many of those azaleas found new homes at McKinney Meadow in Cashiers.
HCLT has also released predatory beetles on the Carolina hemlocks found on Rock Mountain to help protect them better against hemlock wooly adelgid.
Pursel said conservation easements are a way land can be conserved while it remains privately held and be managed for habitat and species health.
The original conservation easement between the HCLT and High Hampton was in 2004 and covered Chimney Top and the slopes of Rock Mountain. Pursel said this easement was the driving force to change their name from the Highlands Land Trust to the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust. HCLT formed an additional conservation easement on the summit of Rock Mountain a few years later.
Pursel said reasons for entering into a conservation easement range from protecting rare species and habitats, protecting open space and wildlife habitats, scenic views and important viewsheds, steep slopes to reduce landslide risks, and streams and wetlands for preserving water quality. Other reasons can include conserving small farms, buffering other protected/conserved lands, or to provide public recreation opportunities.
HCLT is responsible for monitoring all conservation easements they hold and must do so at least once a year.
“We look to make sure the terms of the easement are being upheld and that the conservation values (the reasons we did the easement) remain intact and healthy,” said Pursel. “If the terms are violated, we are also responsible for holding the violators to task and making sure the issues are appropriately resolved. While not obligated, we also can help with habitat management, invasive species control, species monitoring, scientific research, educational events, and give advice to the landowners.”
He added that maintaining the trails providing access is up to the landowners, as most conservation easement are on private land.