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Getting Our Bearings

Written By: Cynthia Strain | Issue: 2016/04 - April | Photograph By: Peggy Marra
Bears are beautiful and fascinating creatures. While many people are frustrated with bears getting into their birdfeeders, trash or even homes, most feel a sense of awe and respect for them. Leaving aside the challenges of living in bear country for a moment, here are some interesting facts:
• Black bears are found only in North America: Canada, 42 of the United States, and northern Mexico.
• “Black” bear is a species, not a color. Variations include brown, cinnamon, blond, or white (i.e. the Kermode “Spirit” Bears of the Pacific NW). Some have a white chest blaze.
• Their eyesight is good, though a little shortsighted. Their senses of hearing and smell are far superior to ours. A bear’s nose works 100 times better than ours; they can smell food over a mile away.
• While classified as carnivores, 85 percent of a bear’s diet consists of plants— nuts, acorns grass, mushrooms, roots, seeds, berries/fruit, etc. Their “meat” consists mostly of insects and larvae; they occasionally take a fawn or
other small animal.
• Bears are not true hibernators—dormancy is more accurate. They do not eat, drink, or defecate for several months. This is when cubs are born.
• Bears are more timid than you’d expect. People have witnessed bears running away from chipmunks
and butterflies.
• Bears communicate with vocalizations and body postures. Mothers issue commands to cubs with grunts. Bears will moan and sway when afraid. They don’t actually growl, but will huff and clack their teeth to scare us (or other bears).
• Attacks are rare. They might rush toward us if they feel threatened by our proximity, but they usually retreat without causing harm.
• Bears that become accustomed to humans because of food or trash may act tame, but they are still wild animals that can cause harm to our pets, our property, and us.
Black bears coming out of hibernation are very hungry, so please take steps to prevent access to non-natural food sources. For more info, find our brochures at the library, the Highlands and Cashiers Area Chambers of Commerce
and other locations.