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Growing Knowledge at Highlands Biological Station
Written By: Charlotte Muir - Highlands Biological Station | Issue: 2018/01 - Winter
Highlands is wonderfully diverse area with more species of plants and animals than nearly any other temperate rainforest ecosystem. The Highlands Plateau supports a variety of northern affinity species that are rarely found in the Southeastern United States, for example, golden-winged warblers, birch trees, and spruce trees. This tremendous diversity extends to our insects as well. Highlands serves as a refuge for many bee species, including important pollinators that are facing threats to their fitness and survival. With so many important species located here in Highlands, it is imperative that we share our growing knowledge with the community.
In order to support our mission to foster research and education focused on the rich natural heritage of the Southern Appalachians, we continue to develop community programming that focuses on current concerns for the region. Research, teaching, and training have always been central to the Highlands Biological Station, which annually hosts hundreds of students, faculty, and researchers for immersive study in one of North America’s richest ecosystems. Having researchers working here is vital to understanding the effects of climate change and human influence on various ecosystems.
Our Botanical Garden serves as an outdoor laboratory for researchers and students from around the world but is also an opportunity for everyone to enjoy the diversity of the Plateau in a garden setting.
The Highlands Biological Station serves the community of Highlands and all who visit. Please stop by to stroll the Botanical Garden, which is open 365 days a year from dawn until dusk. Plan on joining us this summer as well for our Zahner Conservation Lecture series, an educational workshop, or a children’s nature camp.
For more information regarding HBS and what you can do to contribute, visit our website at highlandsbiological.org or give us a call at (828) 526-2221.