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HBS Summer Preview

Written By: Sonya Carpenter - Highlands Biological Foundation | Issue: 2016/01 - Winter
Each summer the Highlands Biological Station offers a wide variety of classes, workshops, lectures, camps, and hikes for every member of our community.
Whether you’re interested in the in-depth study of special topics relevant to the southern Appalachian Mountain environment, wanting to explore new hiking trails and add new knowledge to your understanding of the beautiful Highlands landscape, or looking for a summer camp for your young one to inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world; the Highlands Biological Station is here to help!
Our educational opportunities are designed to immerse the student in the environment; participants spend most of the time outdoors, where the mountains are our classrooms. This summer we’ll offer weeklong workshops focused on wildflowers, literature, and natural science illustration. Each Friday in the month of June we will host a fieldtrip, we will float down the Little Tennessee River, learn more about our resident birds, and explore how photography can enhance our appreciation of nature. Our traditional Zahner Conservation lectures will be held each Thursday evening from July 7 to September 8. Each lecture is a free and open to the public and will cover a wide range of important conservation issues.
This year our Nature Camps will be all new! From “CSI: Critter Scene Investigation” to “Eco Trekkers: Waterfall Adventures,” your kids will not want to miss out on the exciting opportunities offered this year at the Highlands Nature Center. Camp registration will begin on February 15 for HBF members and on March 14 for non-members. These camps will fill up quickly, so renew your membership now and be ahead of the curve. We have plenty of new family friendly events planned as well. Visit our website for more information.
Members of the Highlands Biological Foundation will receive our 2016 catalog and benefit from discounted and early registration opportunities. It is not too early to be thinking of summer fun so go to highlandsbiological.org to become a member and learn more about the opportunities that await you at the Highlands Biological Station.