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Heaps of Christmas Cheer

Written By: Marlene Osteen | Issue: 2021/12 – December
The judicious addition of local greenery into your home can add heaps of Christmas cheer.
Many local gardeners take pleasure in harvesting the winter feast that takes place in their backyards for Christmas décor – for use in garlands and wreaths and ornaments. In the South, native greenery has been used for decorations since Colonial Times – a tradition historians believe the first settlers brought with them from England. For centuries, Southerners have been elaborately decorating their churches – hanging garlands of Fir, Holly, Mountain Laurel, and Mistletoe from the roof, the walls, the pews, and even the pulpit.
As plants with the brightest red berries are always sought after, Holly comes to mind.
Highlands Biological Station Botanist Rachel Martin advises: “One shrub worth considering for holiday decorating is Ilex verticillate, a native deciduous holly. It’s a rare occurrence to have a deciduous holly but in exchange for shedding its leaves, Ilex verticillate offers beautiful bare branches dotted with clusters of bright red berries as a consolation. The name Winterberry is very apt and using it invites native plants and nature into your home during the winter months.”
There are cultivated varieties and hybrids, differing in height (3 to 15 feet), berry color (bright reds to reddish-orange and yellow), and size ( 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch). The berries are long-lasting if you cut the branches and bring them into the house, but do not put them in water. Outside, berries last as long as the birds allow. Their fiery beauty and ease of care have inspired many a Christmas Wreath.
Also worthy of consideration are the leaves of our native Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora. The large leaves, glossy and dark green, make stunning wreaths and bases for large decorations and hold up very well – even without water. The straight species does well, but several cultivars such as Teddy Bear offer stunning golden hues on the leaf undersides and are soft to the touch. Avoid spraying anti-transpirant on the undersides of the leaves, as it will ruin the beautiful fuzzy texture. Martin advises that Southern Magnolias aren’t as common on the Plateau because of our harsh winters but can be found easily in the lower elevations.
Readers are advised to take proper safety precautions when bringing live greenery indoors, making sure they are brought in as fresh as possible.
The Clemson University Extension Service suggests that, “Before bringing the greenery inside, soak in water overnight to rehydrate them. Never place fresh greenery near heat sources – space heaters or heater vents. Check all decorations every couple of days for freshness and replace or remove the dry portions.”