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Hemlocks & Salamanders | Highlands Biological Foundation

Written By: Winter Gary | Issue: 2021/12 – December
A dedicated cadre of researchers delving into the mysteries found on the Plateau form the centerpiece of Highlands Field Site program’s wildly successful return.
This year, the Highlands Biological Foundation has invested more than ever before in research and education on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau – a feat only possible thanks to our supporters!
Some of HBF’s recent victories include hosting a successful season of nature-packed summer camps, funding several scientific research grants, expanding Highlands Nature Center outreach programs, welcoming renowned author and climate activist Dr. Katharine Wilkinson for a free community event, and committing three $100,000 grants over the next few years to UNC-Chapel Hill’s Highlands Field Site program at the Highlands Biological Station.
The latter victory is one that makes us especially delighted. This fall, after a two-year hiatus, the station welcomed back their long-standing HFS program.
With it came Dr. Rada Petric, the first-ever HFS Director, and 12 motivated UNC students ready to explore the ways humans affect the natural environment and the tools used to measure, understand, and communicate these impacts. Bats, hemlocks, and salamanders are just the tip of the iceberg for the subjects these students researched during the semester. Not to mention their group work analyzing microplastics in the Chattooga River, landscape studies using drones, and immersive, overnight field trips to Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the grassy balds of Roan Mountain.
These talented and determined students have been working hard for the past four months to contribute to the understanding of the incredible biodiversity of our region. You can join them for their end-of-semester celebration where they will present their individual and group research project findings for our community.
The presentations and reception will be held on Thursday, December 9. Location and time to be determined. Stay tuned to highlandsbiological.org for more information on this and other events.
For a sneak peek at the students’ research projects, see HBF’s fall newsletter on our website as well. The Highlands Biological Station is a multi-campus center of Western Carolina University.