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Invest In Our Planet

Written By: Lance Hardin - Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust | Issue: April 2023
There are some simple steps you can take to help preserve our planet and this precious Plateau.
This year, Earth Day will be recognized on April 22, originating in 1970, it now involves more than a billion participants in more than 190 countries annually, making it the largest civic observance in the world according to EarthDay.org.
The theme this year is “Invest In Our Planet.” If each individual chooses to “invest” their time, energy, or resources, collectively we can affect a positive impact to protect the natural resources we all treasure.
Consider “investments” of your time or energy:
• Limit use of pesticides and landscape with only native plants
• Commit to recycle more – use a container to make separating paper, glass, and metals easier, take advantage of the many convenient recycling drop-off locations in Cashiers and Highlands
• Use a guidebook or take a guided nature walk to learn more about the plants, animals, and geology of our area
• Pick-up trash when out walking and participate in community clean-up events
• Join HCLT at a volunteer workday at one of our conserved properties Likewise, consider “investing” your resources:
• Keep reusable shopping bags in your car for easier use – they hold more and don’t rip!
• Set-up recurring contributions to environmental organizations with missions you support.
• “Buy local” whenever possible, particularly perishables like produce.
• Be mindful regarding consumption of plastic – use a refillable bottle and enjoy our great mountain water!
• Support businesses that invest in the protection of their community’s natural resources, such as the “Dollars for Preservation” program
We are fortunate to visit or live on the Highlands-Cashiers plateau surrounded by amazing natural resources. When hiking or exploring our environment, “investing in our planet” includes remembering the seven Leave No Trace principles (lnt.org), including: hiking on durable services (staying on trails, not cutting switchbacks), leaving what you find (letting the next visitor also enjoy the wildflowers and pretty rocks), disposing of waste properly (if you pack it in, be sure to pack it back out), and respecting wildlife (practice quiet observation from a distance, and never feed wild animals).
Looking for more ways to personally “invest” in the conservation of our beautiful environment? Follow Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust on Instagram at hicashlandtrust, on Facebook, check our website at hicashlt.org, or call us at (828) 526-1111.