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It’s Fly Time

Written By: Chris Wilkes - The Highland Hiker | Issue: 2017/09 - September
As we get closer to the heart of fall, a lot of folks will be looking to take their first Fly Fishing trip.
Perhaps a father looking to get a son interested in the sport, or maybe a recently retired woman looking to add a hobby. Lots of people have fly fishing on their list of things to try, but something might be holding them back.
Like it or not, fly fishing has the reputation for being a very expensive sport. A quick Google search of fly fishing gear will probably make you think that reputation is earned. Thousand dollar rods, $700 waders, boots, line, oh wait the reel doesn’t come with the rod?
Pretty soon, you may be thinking that a new Corvette may be a more reasonable and less expensive way to deal with your newfound free time.
Like almost anything, fly fishing can be expensive, but it most certainly doesn’t have to be. Some starter kits can be purchased for as little as $200. These come with a case, a spooled reel, and leader already attached. During the warmer months you can actually forgo the boots and waders and instead use sandals and quick-dry shorts to make your way through the streams of Western North Carolina. Once the colder months are upon us, you’ll definitely want to make the investment in these items to keep you warm and waterproof. Boots can come in all different shapes and sizes.
One thing to keep in mind if you are fishing in this area is that, unlike the streams out west, we have lots of algae. Walking on algae covered rocks is like walking on greased bowling balls, so you will need your boots to have a felt sole for traction. When it comes to waders, it is best not to go cheap. Quality waders will cost a little more, but they will last longer and be less likely to leak.
All in all, you can buy all of you gear for less than the price of a guided float trip.