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Migration Celebration | Highlands Biological Foundation
Written By: Winter Gary-Highlands Biological Foundation | Issue: November 2023 | Photograph By: Jennifer Love
A grant from the Highlands Biological Foundation ensures that Macon County sixth graders experience the Wild Things up close.
In early 2023, the Highlands Biological Foundation proudly granted $10,000 to Macon County School’s STEM program, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to stimulating, promoting, and funding biological research and education in the southern Appalachians.
This grant has allowed much expansion of vital educational initiatives, including field trips, hikes, special presentations, and essential equipment for science projects in schools across the county.
One shining example of the positive impact of this grant was the 14th annual “Migration Celebration” in September. The brainchild of Jennifer Love, Macon County School’s STEM Coordinator, and Jason Love, Associate Director of the Highlands Biological Station, this event received a majority of the grant’s funding, in addition to assistance from the U.S. Forest Service.
The Migration Celebration takes place at Mainspring Conservation Trust’s Tessentee Bottomland Preserve, providing an exceptional opportunity for sixth graders from Macon County to delve into the captivating world of animal migration.
Through a series of engaging activities and games, students participated in the Kansas State University Monarch Watch program, where they caught and tagged Monarch butterflies along their journeys to Mexico, and engaged in bird banding sessions led by Blue Ridge Bird Observatory’s Mark Hopey, an avian biologist working with the M.A.P.S. (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) program to see which neo-tropical migrant species were passing through on their way to South America. Students also learned about native plants and how the Cherokee harvest white oak and river cane from Tessentee to make baskets.
The essence of this event goes beyond its educational value; it is about inspiring the next generation of scientists and conservationists. By actively participating in data collection and interacting directly with scientists, students gain insights into how the concepts they learn in the classroom, such as using the metric system and collecting data, are applied in real-life projects. They witness firsthand the significance of citizen involvement in scientific research and the profound impact it can have.
The success of the Migration Celebration this year would not have been possible without the collective efforts of organizations like the Highlands Biological Station, Macon County Schools, Blue Ridge Bird Observatory, Mainspring Conservation Trust, Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions, Nantahala District of the USFS, the Cherokee Tribe, and STEM Macon County. Together, these organizations are sowing the seeds of curiosity and knowledge in the minds of our youth, nurturing a generation of environmental stewards who will play a vital role in safeguarding our natural resources.
As the Highlands Biological Foundation, we are immensely proud to support Macon STEM, the Migration Celebration, and all the curious, young minds in our county, knowing that our investment in education will yield dividends for the future of science and conservation in our community and beyond. This is not just a grant; it’s an investment in tomorrow, where science and nature education flourish, and young minds are empowered to make a positive impact on our world.
The Highlands Biological Station is a multi-campus center of Western Carolina University. For more information on research and education initiatives made possible by the Highlands Biological Foundation, please visit highlandsbiological.org/foundation.