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Panthertown’s Schoolhouse Falls

Written By: Ed and Cindy Boos | Issue: 2021/08 – August
What little Schoolhouse Falls lacks in spectacle, it more than makes up for in straight-up charm.
Panthertown Valley is 6,300 acres of backcountry wilderness with 30 miles of trails and several waterfalls. The area extends from Cashiers and Lake Toxaway. Schoolhouse Falls is a favorite of many visitors. It is only about 20 feet tall, but it is quite beautiful. It has a wonderful sand bottom pool at the base of the falls that is a great wading area for kids and adults alike. We found the trail markers are small and sometimes easy to miss. The first time we visited Schoolhouse Falls, we missed the Little Green Trail marker (# 485) and continued down the main trail until we figured out that we had gone too far. We backtracked and found the trail to the falls.
Trailhead Directions
From intersection of US 64 and NC 107 in Cashiers, drive approximately 12 miles east on US 64 to NC 281 and turn left. Go about 0.8 miles to Cold Mountain Road. The last time we were there, Cold Mountain Road was not well marked which makes it easy to miss. If you see Breedlove Rd. on the right, you went too far. Cold Mountain Road is just before Breedlove on the opposite side of the highway. Drive approximately 6 miles on Cold Mountain Road. Near the end, the road goes left and becomes gravel. Turn right in 0.1 miles on the road that leads to the parking area.
Hike Description
The trail begins to the right of the information kiosk on the right side of the parking area. Follow the trail for 0.15 miles until you come to a gravel road where you will turn left. Follow the road for approximately 0.9 miles as it descends into the valley to a bridge that crosses over Greenland Creek. There are some obvious switchbacks along the way. Walk about a hundred yards past the bridge and go left on Little Green Trail (#485) for slightly less than 0.2 miles to Schoolhouse Falls.