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Protect Our Biodiversity Hotspot
Written By: Julie Schott - Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust | Issue: April 2024 | Photograph By: Stephanie Contreras
Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust’s mission achieves even greater resonance during Earth Month.
It has been said that change is the only constant in life. Change is indeed inevitable and often it is the vehicle for growth; however, how we change is something we can and should be intentional about.
As the Plateau continues to change, what is it about this place that we should be intentional about keeping?
One thing that we can all agree on is that our natural environment is one of the key things that makes the Plateau special. Not only do our lush forests, cool rivers, and diverse wildlife afford us quality of life, they also play an important role in keeping our planet, and each of us healthy.
As a hotspot for biodiversity and the starting point for water that eventually either makes its way to the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico, what happens on the Plateau is not just about us, but has far reaching effects. It is the responsibility of each of us to keep our natural places thriving.
One nonprofit organization has been working for 115 years to conserve the places we all love and need. Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust works with private landowners to voluntarily conserve their ecologically valuable land.
One way they conserve land is by using a legal tool called a conservation easement. A landowner is able to retain ownership of their property while donating some of their development rights and in many cases receiving a tax benefit.
This is a highly individualized process where the landowner works closely with the Land Trust to come up with parameters that work for their family. The land is conserved forever, even if it is sold. The Land Trust also accepts outright donations of land.
During Earth Month, we are reminded that working together, we can save some of the most biologically diverse lands here among some of the world’s oldest mountains. To learn more visit hcltnc.org or email info@hcltnc.org.