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Secret Explorations

Written By: Ed and Cindy Boos | Issue: August 2024
Who would imagine that a waterfall so beautiful could ever be kept a secret?
Is Secret Falls actually a secret?
Well, not so much as it used to be. In the past, only the locals were aware of it. In recent years, it has become a popular destination for locals and visitors alike.
As luck would have it though, Secret Falls is not typically crowded. This moderate hike is about 0.75 miles long. Cindy and I, along with William and Linda McReynolds, visited the Falls and there were only a few others present. William writes monthly articles for Laurel Magazine.
This 45-foot waterfall can be viewed from the top or at the base. The view from the top can be hazardous and is not recommended for children. The base affords visitors the best and safest view. The water at the base provides a nice swimming hole. From the base, another smaller waterfall can also be viewed.
Driving Directions:
From downtown Highlands, drive east on Main Street. The name of the street will change to Horse Cove Road. At the edge of town, the road will begin a steep descent. From the bottom of the descent, drive a little less than a mile to Walkingstick Road (SR1608) and turn right. Go about three miles and turn right on FR 4567. Be aware that FR4567 is not obviously marked. From there, drive 0.25 miles to the parking area on the left.
Hike Description:
The trail begins at the rear of the parking area and is easy to spot. It descends to two small creeks that are easy to cross. Beyond the creeks, the trail ascends for a short distance and continues to descend. Just before reaching the falls, there is a fork in the trail. Go to the left to reach the top of the falls and to the right to reach the bottom. To get to the base, descend 125 steps.
Keep in mind that you must climb the steps when you go back. This waterfall is one of the most beautiful in the area and is well worth the effort.