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Summer Activities

Written By: Winter Gary | Issue: May 2023
Wondering where the Wild Things are? Look no further than the Highlands Nature Center, 930 Horse Cove Road, your guide to all things Wooly and Winged and Willowy.
Can you hear that? The whispers of summer are growing louder and louder!
Summer is one of the best times to get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature blanketing the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau. Whether you’re looking to learn something new, searching for a family-friendly adventure, or simply wanting to explore our region, the Highlands Nature Center’s upcoming summer programs offer something for everyone.
The Nature Center, part of Western Carolina University’s Highlands Biological Station, is a must for locals and visitors alike. Spring hours are currently underway with the museum open on Fridays and Saturdays, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Summer hours begin May 29, expanding visiting hours to Mondays through Saturdays, 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. This will mean more opportunities to stop by to peruse the museum’s natural history exhibits, meet live animals, enjoy the Kids Exploration Room, and more!
The onset of summer hours is great for those interested in diving a bit deeper into the natural wonders of our region as it marks the start of free, daily educational programs. Offerings will include animal feedings, garden tours, and more. There’s something for all ages and interests, and no registration is required.
For those looking for after-hours adventures with the family, get ready for free “Nature Center Nights” programs each Tuesday and Wednesday night between May 30 and July 26. Discover strange and fascinating facts about our slimy salamander friends, meet live owls while learning all about these amazing nocturnal raptors, and more! These programs require registration.
Whether you are a seasoned naturalist or simply curious about the world around you, the Nature Center also offers Zahner Conservation Lectures on Thursday evenings at 6:00 P.M. between June 15 and August 10. Guest speakers will cover topics ranging from the importance of the forests within our region to the impact of microplastics in our waterways to the relationship between climate change, insects, and birds.
With summer on the horizon, why not make the most of the warmer months and discover a whole new world of adventure and learning?
With so many options to choose from, it is easy to find a Nature Center program that fits your schedule and interests. See all program details and times at highlandsbiological.org. The majority of programs are offered for free and are open to the public. Be sure to check out our printable monthly program calendar and hang one on your fridge! These programs are made possible by the Highlands Biological Foundation.