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Summer Camp & Wildflower Whimsy

Written By: Sonya Carpenter - Highlands Biological Foundation | Issue: 2017/05 - May
May signals the start of many programs, classes, and events for the Highlands Biological Station. We hope you’ll join us to welcome spring by stopping in at the Nature Center, taking a stroll around the Botanical Garden or signing up for one of our classes or programs.
Summer Camp at the Highlands Nature Center is a great way to get your child or grandchild excited about the natural world.
Throughout the summer, the Nature Center offers four day camps for all ages. Our youngest campers will explore the diversity of plants and animals here on the Highlands Plateau. By using play as a learning tool, campers will have fun outside and improve their problem-solving strategies.
Aquatic adventures await your seven or eight-year-old as they learn about animals that make their home in the water. Hogwarts in Highlands is the perfect camp for your Harry Potter-loving third or fourth grader. Older children (ages 11-14) have many opportunities to explore our region and learn to be wildlife warriors or eco-trekkers. For more information on summer camp opportunities available at the Nature Center, call (828) 526-2623 or visit Highlandsbiological.org
Sign up today for Wildflower Whimsy, a two-day event taking place Friday, May 5, and Saturday, May 6. This year, in addition to a celebration of spring ephemeral wildflowers we will explore how the fall wildfire season has impacted our natural world. On Friday evening join us for a talk by Gary Kauffman called “After the Fires: Fire Ecology in the Blue Ridge” and stay for a native plant auction, wine reception, cocktail buffet, and live music behind the Nature Center. All proceeds from the auction of interesting native plants, donated by local nurseries, will go towards supporting the Nature Center, Laboratory, and Botanical Garden at the Highlands Biological Station.
On Saturday, May 6, wildflower enthusiasts and fire ecology experts are leading hikes focused on finding spring wildflowers in recently burned areas from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Lunch is provided. Tickets are $75 for members and $100 for non-members. To learn more about the extensive programs and classes offered at the Highlands Biological Station, go to our website: highlandsbiological.org or call (828) 526-2221.