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Thank you, U.S. Forest Service!
Written By: Deena Bouknight | Issue: June 2024
The expansive emerald forests ringing the Plateau and extending far to the horizon are a gift from the US Forest Service to each of us.
The U.S. Forest Service was officially established as part of the Department of Agriculture in 1905. Its mission: “to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.”
Anyone who owns land in this region and/or has done much hiking will have noticed gravel roads that seemingly lead to nowhere as well as random marked trails. These are most likely USFS-made roads and trails, some of which are old and forgotten and others of which are regularly maintained.
Surrounding parts of Cashiers and Highlands is the largest of North Carolina’s four National Forests: the Nantahala, which is a Cherokee word meaning “land of the noon day sun.” Nantahala National Forest encompasses 531,148 acres, with elevations ranging from 5,800 feet at Lone Bald in Jackson County to 1,200 feet in Cherokee County along Hiwassee River.
Most noteworthy, Nantahala National Forest offers over 600 miles of trails. A few of the lesser-known spots with information provided by the USFS, include:
Ellicott’s Rock / Bad Creek Trails: 7 miles (round trip). This hike features Ellicott’s Rock, which is a rock embedded in the Chattooga Riverbank bearing the letters “NC” carved by 18th century surveyor Andrew Ellicott. He thought this spot to be the intersection of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The actual point of intersection is Commissioners Rock, bearing the symbols NC/SC 1813, 10 feet downstream. Directions: Take Horse Cove Rd. 4.3 miles from the corner of Fourth and Main St. in Highlands to the end of the pavement. Take the right fork, which is Bull Pen Rd. Ellicott’s Rock trail starts at 6 miles; the Bad Creek trail starts at 10 miles.
The Narrows: 4 miles (round trip). This hike features the Chattooga River where it is forced into a narrow channel; there is also a swimming hole. Directions: Take Horse Cove Rd. 4.3 miles from the corner of Fourth and Main St. in Highlands to the end of the pavement. Turn left onto Whiteside Cove Rd. and drive 0.9 miles. The trail is on a logging road on the right and descends 2 miles to The Narrows. You will pass a trail to the right, which continues to Bull Pen Bridge on Horse Cove Rd.
Yellow Mountain / Shortoff Mountain: 3 miles (round trip) to Shortoff Mountain, 9.6 miles (round trip) to Yellow Mountain. The hike to Shortoff Mountain is easier, but the hike to Yellow Mountain is a difficult trail, traversing three of the area’s scenic mountains, with many steep ascents and descents. Directions: Take US-64 east from the corner of Fourth and Main St. in Highlands 2. 7 miles and turn left onto Buck Creek Rd. Continue for 2.3 miles on Buck Creek Rd. and look for the steps on the right. The trail very gradually climbs Cole Mountain, where a lookout on the left offers views into the Buck Creek area. It continues on the ridge line, and then a series of switchbacks takes you to the summit of Shortoff Mountain (5,000 ft.). From there, the trail follows a ridge to Goat Knob and Yellow Mountain Gap. From the gap, one mile of switchbacks brings you to the summit of Yellow Mountain (5,127 ft.).
To look at a Nantahala National Forest and plot out future hikes and areas to explore, visit fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5425097.pdf or scan qr code below. While perusing the map and meandering trails and roads through Nantahala National Forest, remember that it is all there for you to enjoy because of the U.S. Forest Service and its hard-working employees.