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The Iconic Bridal Veil Falls

Written By: Ed and Cindy Boos | Issue: October 2024
With its delicate beauty and its almost hypnotic pull, Bridal Veil Falls never fails to enchant.
Bridal Veil Falls is a 60-foot roadside waterfall located west of Highlands on US 64. It’s unique in that visitors can walk behind it as it flows from an overhang above. When the weather is very dry, the flow can be down to a trickle but during rainy periods the flow can be quite heavy and dramatic. During cold spells on winter days, a substantial mound of ice forms at the base of the falls.
One beautiful fall evening, Cindy and I decided to go to Bridal Veil Falls to photograph it at night. Conditions were right since the moon had set and the sky was clear making an abundance of stars visible. After setting up our camera equipment, to our amazement, we saw the Big Dipper distinctly standing out from the rest of the stars in the sky next to the waterfall.
From downtown Highlands, drive 2.5 miles west on US 64. The waterfall and parking area will be clearly visible on the right side of the road.