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This Winged wonder Sings Arias

Written By: William McReynolds - Highlands Plateau Audubon Society | Issue: 2019/06 - June
Sparrows are specialized seed-eaters that abound in the mountains of Western North Carolina, throughout the Western Hemisphere and worldwide. American Sparrows include scores of species, counting within the family several species of Towhee, Junco and the Lark Bunting. Yes, surprisingly, towhees are sparrows.
The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a year-rounder here in WNC, although some winter to the south of us in the Southeastern U.S. and migrate to Canada for the summer. Their habitat is forest edges and open areas often near water. Their diet consists mostly of insects and seeds. They will frequent bird feeders offering sunflower and other seeds.
Song Sparrows nest on or near the ground. The female builds the cup nest while the male, a characteristic tail-pumper in flight, guards the nest. The couple might raise several clutches a season starting with three to five red and brown spotted eggs. Hatchlings are fed by both parents.
This bird’s song will dazzle you. Be prepared for complexity and mellifluousness including chips, trills and buzzes. The Song Sparrow’s song is elaborate, polysyllabic, a wild fast-moving clicking and chirping with whistles and rapid repetition. Sibley describes it this way: “… a variable series of trills and clear notes with slightly husky quality and pleasant gentle rhythm; begins with several short, sharp notes, usually one long trill in middle of song seet seet seet to zeeeeeeeee tipo zeet zeet.”
Think about a multilingual Canary singing in a cage. Listen to it online at audubon.org.fieldguide or just Google “Song Sparrow, Melospiza Melodia.”
This Sparrow is here to be seen and heard. Look for the male singing while on a branch of a bushy tree. Try finding birds where you live first thing in the morning, in the gloaming. For an outing, try the Greenway in Franklin or the area surrounding the Highlands Community Building, Dog Park and Pool. Cashiers Commons has a boardwalk trail through the greenway beginning near the Post Office. You might hear a nearby Chipping Sparrow. This cutie sparrow has a chestnut crown.
Bird watching, enhanced by a good pair of binoculars, is one of the great free things in life: Nature’s wonder within easy reach. Happy June birding from the Highlands Plateau Audubon Society.
The Highlands Plateau Audubon Society, focused on enjoying and preserving birds and their habitats, is a Chapter of the National Audubon Society and a 501(c)(3) organization. For information on all HPAS activities and membership, please visit highlandsaudubonsociety.org.