Exploration Station
The resilient spirit of the Cherokee is explored, tabletop battles are fought, and digital deep dives are served up in a busy month at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library.
The resilient spirit of the Cherokee is explored, tabletop battles are fought, and digital deep dives are served up in a busy month at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library.
It turns out the Plateau’s twin libraries are hotbeds of murder and mystery. But fun stuff happens there, too.
Nancy Kovacs is inviting musicians of all skill levels to join the Jam Sessions being staged from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. every second and fourth Sunday at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library.
There’s no Winter at the Plateau’s twin libraries.
Life Coach (and Laurel contributor) Donna Clements brings a message of hope and healing to Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library on August 25. For more information, visit fontanalib.org or visit donnaclements.com.
The nascent Writer’s Group at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library is a safe space of encouragement and advice for interested amateurs and prose pros.
A raft of writers will shine at events slated throughout the month at the twin libraries
It’s a Jam-Packed Calendar for the Plateau’s twin libraries.
Local libraries offer respite from the gray days at the end of winter and promises of greener times with the return of spring.
The Plateau’s twin libraries are natural havens from the Winter Blahs.
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