Exercise Your Green Thumb
The days are growing long and warm – it’s time to get back in the dirt. But first, some quick lessons, courtesy of the Plateau’s twin libraries.
The days are growing long and warm – it’s time to get back in the dirt. But first, some quick lessons, courtesy of the Plateau’s twin libraries.
For those of us quarantine-crazed and those whose travel plans were Covid-cancelled, a visit to the Highlands Cashiers Plateau’s twin libraries may be
just the ticket.
Both Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library and Hudson Library have access to vast collections of books, DVDs and CD books.
Well, in our excitement we forgot to mention some good news for Cashiers anglers — the little pond behind Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library (the cleverly-named Library Pond) is also stocked by the NC Wildlife Commission with hatchery-raised fish.
The twin Plateau libraries have emerged as hubs of learning and entertainment options as the world learns to adjust to new challenges and new possibilities.
If you’re stumped for Christmas gifts for the people (and pets) on your Shopping List, consider a visit to Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library and Hudson Library. They have some ideas.
A host of resources available through Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library and Hudson Library can help you master the challenges of 21st century technology, the complications of Covid living, and even give you a head start on your Christmas List.
Author John Cribb, who introduced his September 15 published Old Abe historical novel at Hudson Library, said the idea for the book was “born in a library.” George Santayana, a […]
Despite the upheaval that Covid-19 caused last school semester, and the relative uncertainty that permeated the fall 2020 semester start, area libraries are consistent resource centers for parents of young […]
There are thousands of books at the Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library, but what classifies as a “favorite” is highly subjective. Branch Librarian Serenity Richards polled her staff during the COVID-19 […]
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