An Incredible Year
In a busy year of events and excitement, Highlands Biological Foundation celebrates education, research, arrivals, and the wild things that share the Plateau.
In a busy year of events and excitement, Highlands Biological Foundation celebrates education, research, arrivals, and the wild things that share the Plateau.
The Highlands Biological Station is once more hosting its Highlands on the Half-Shell, 4:00 P.M. until dark, Sunday, October 6. Visit for more information and to purchase your ticket(s).
“Every dog has its day.” It turns out that every Plateau bat has its nights – September 10-14.
All the Green Things get their day on the Plateau at the Native Plant Symposium, September 13-14. For more details and registration, visit
The glories of our natural heritage come into focus with the 2024 Zahner Lecture Season, June 13 through August 15.
Families are invited to join in the season of new life and new understanding with Highlands Biological Foundation’s Eco-Explorations. Register at
This author and her fellow researchers will present their findings to the public at the Highlands Nature Center on December 14 at 10:00 A.M.
A grant from the Highlands Biological Foundation ensures that Macon County sixth graders experience the Wild Things up close.
Though they know all about Wild Things on the Plateau, the organizers of the Highlands Biological Foundation’s A Cheney Lane Soirée (set for 6:00 P.M.Monday, July 24) promise that it’ll be an elegant, civilized affair.
Wondering where the Wild Things are? Look no further than the Highlands Nature Center, 930 Horse Cove Road, your guide to all things Wooly and Winged and Willowy.
Eyes to the skies! Birders of all skill levels are welcome to join us as we take an easy walk around the garden to find our feathered friends.
Spaces are limited, so we encourage early registration to secure your spot at this exciting event.
Spaces are limited, so we encourage early registration to secure your spot at this exciting event.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Join the Highlands Biological Foundation for their annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
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