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Highlands School Interact Club Runs 4.23 Rotary Club Meeting
Written By: Rotary Club of Highlands | Issue: Whats News
Tate Wilson, two-time Rotary Youth Leadership Award winner gave an enthusiastic review of her TYLA leadership experience.

2023-24 Interact Officers: Olivia Cole, President, Tate Wilson, Secretary, Caitlyn Tingen, Sergeant-at- Arms, and Nicole Taylor, Vice President.
On April 23rd Interact Club President (and Highlands School Valedictorian) Olivia Cole and her Interact colleagues ran the entire meeting according to Rotary’s traditional rules of order. Rotarians were impressed by the details of the 14 different projects the students carried out this year. Projects ran the gamut from designing and distributing new mouse pads throughout the school, to helping renovate a Together We Can house for children awaiting placement in foster homes, to distributing candy to Highlands merchants for Halloween on Main.
Tate Wilson, two-time Rotary Youth Leadership Award winner gave an enthusiastic review of her TYLA leadership experience. At the meeting, Rotary’s Club’s Interact mentor Tracy Franklin announced that Wilson has been chosen for the North Carolina RYLA 2025 Leadership Planning Committee. Twenty Interact members took part in the Rotary meeting, putting an inspirational face on Highlands’ rising leaders.
2023-24 members of the Highlands School Interact Club.
Interact Clubs are a part of Rotary International designed to bring together students ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self”. For more information contact Tracy Franklin at tracy.stribling @gmail.com or Nicole Lui, Highlands School Counselor, nicole.lui@macon.k12.nc.us