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Written By: Charlotte Muir - Highlands Biological Station | Issue: November - 2022
The Rotary Club of Highlands welcomed Tiffany Ervin, self-proclaimed “Rotary Geek”, to the meeting held on November 22. Ervin discussed the Rotary CART Fund (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust) which collects and provide dollars for leading edge research for the cure/= and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. It started in 1996 with Rotarians voluntarily emptying their pockets and purses of change at weekly meetings. CART is a Rotary-initiated project that illustrates the amazing power of Rotary. By providing grants to researchers in the early and conceptual stages of a line of research, CART enables its grant recipients to explore approaches to arresting or curing Alzheimer’s Disease that may be outside the mainstream ideas being pursued by big pharmaceutical companies.
The Rotary Club of Highlands welcomed Tiffany Ervin, self-proclaimed “Rotary Geek”, to the meeting held on November 22. Ervin discussed the Rotary CART Fund (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust) which collects and provide dollars for leading edge research for the cure/= and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. It started in 1996 with Rotarians voluntarily emptying their pockets and purses of change at weekly meetings. CART is a Rotary-initiated project that illustrates the amazing power of Rotary. By providing grants to researchers in the early and conceptual stages of a line of research, CART enables its grant recipients to explore approaches to arresting or curing Alzheimer’s Disease that may be outside the mainstream ideas being pursued by big pharmaceutical companies.